Sunday, 21 January 2018

The Mayan people - II part

In this post i would like to continue the topic about the contemporary Mayans and their vision of the world.

An element that perfectly describes the mentality of the Mayans, concentrates on the importance of words. Each word spoken aloud has 'power', makes the words become reality. This fact has a very important role in the persecution of the world. They believe that it is worthwhile to say only those words that can benefit them. Sometimes, this conviction leads to interesting situations, for example, they are not conditioned to answer the questions or talk about abstract things such as: love, life, happy, etc. There are also words that make them afraid to say them, here I  can mention about 'devil'. They think that saying the word 'devil' will evoke it, therefore they have modified it to 'diabro' to not sounds the same.

The last question is related to two faces of the Mayans is, on the one hand the American dream, and on the other, the fear of following the new technology. This is also visible in terms of hospitality and distrust of foreigners. Most of the young people do not want to be linked to the Maya, they prefer to speak Spanish, not one of the indigenous languages, they want to be similar to the people of the United States, to lead life like them. Often, they put a lot of force in hiding their origin through teaching their children Spanish as their only language. In addition, among them, there is a trend to give them the names of famous people such as Angelina Jolie or Salma Hayek as if they wanted to improve the lives of their children.

          The contradiction between hospitality and distrust is manifested by not being able to accept the foreigner. The Mayans do not belong to the open-mined people, that is why to  accept someone out of their community  they need time. However, they are conscious of any foreigner who will come may be a god so they very often accept him and treat him as best they can. There is no doubt that Mayan beliefs have a great role in seeing the world as the Mayans do.

So as we can see, the Mayans beliefs are extremely different than ours, but for sure it makes them more fascinating. I hope I will find more time to develop my knowledge about them to be able to share it with you guys. 

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