Sunday, 14 October 2018


The summer  time is over. It is time to go back to the university. I would say it is not good, it passed so quickly, but on the other hand, I am happy because of it, I am happy to meet my colleagues again.
What is more, I am curious what is going to bring the new academic year, the last one. I hope is going to be my best year at the university, full of happy and exacting memories which I will never forget.

But first, let me tell you how my vacation was.  The whole summer I spent in one of my favorites cities in Poland, which is Cracow. After finishing all exams, I decided to go to this wonderful city and look for a job to earn some money to be able to make a big unforgettable trip to Spain later.
I did everything like I had said, and I went to Cracow. I stayed at my sister’s flat a few days looking around for any job I could get. To be honest, I thought that it was going to be easier  to do that, because Cracow is a big city where there is a lot of work, especially during the summer time when it is overcrowded. Unfortunately, I was wrong, it took me much more time than I thought at the begging. Nevertheless, I got a job after almost two weeks finally. It was not my dream job, but it was a job, that was the most important, that I would earn money.

I got a job in a female clothes shop called ClickFashion, if you are interested and whenever you will be in Cracow you can visit the shop, you are always welcomed there and I am sure you will find something nice for yourself J

So, yes, I have been working for the whole summer. However, I have to admit that I liked working there rapidly. I guess, it is because of the team I have been working with. The team consisted of five girls, they turned out to be amazing workmates, they helped me settle in that new place, so I didn’t stress at all even if it was my first serious job. I know that I was lucky, not everyone has such an easy start like me. That is why, I am so grateful :D
During that time, for sure, I learnt many useful things, I met nice people and I had many opportunities of practice my spoken English with the tourists.

Besides of serious things which had to be done, my workmates and I had a great time together laughing and telling many stories to each other. It was a really bonding time and now I have one experience ahead.

In another post I will tell you more about my vacation, because the job was not the only one thing I have done there. Have a nice day! J