Sunday, 15 October 2017

Morocco - place where the sun sets

1. Photo by Mohsin Zagaouch

Morocco is one of the most exotic country in the whole world which has a lot of things to offer for everyone who wants to discover and experience something new and feel a real spirit of true adventure. There is no other country in Europe that is so unique like Morocco is.  With my posts on the blog, I would like to tell you a few words about this beautiful, and in many cases so surprising country.

The  moroccan unique culture and tradition  can take us to another reality, to a reality full of unusual nature, interesting people and their customs which are still alive in this place, and also beautiful monuments which combine the Arabic architecture with typical Moroccan elements.
This all makes Morocco so interesting, every single day more and more people decide to visit Morocco. Traveling to this place is a great opportunity for travelers who like spending time on the fresh air in an active way looking for new adventures which give a lot of adrenalin. What’s more, many countries have spectacular landscapes but there is no many places where we can find ‘everything’ like Morocco do.  By everything I want to say that tourists can enjoy views from the desert, through the sea, finishing on forests and mountains what let them practice any king of sport. My aim is to show you all of the colors of Morocco, to do it, we have to get to know a little bit about culture, geographic, history, and especially about customs.

Firstly, we will go into geographic information. Probably most of you know that Morocco is located in North Africa. In one side is surrounded by Atlantic Ocean and in the another side by Mediterranean Sea.  It’s worth to mention that moroccan coasts are a perfect place to admire the sunset what explains the meaning of the name of the country. Morocco, like every exotic country is covered in large part by olive groves, date palms and citrus trees what create a wonderful view against a background of the urbanization blended with Arab and Berber (Amazigh) style. Those ones who are interested in history and architecture, Morocco offers the oldest exquisite monuments like for example old tombs, or something a little bit different like desert villages where you can find out how native people live there, very often without using typical things which make life easier in today’s world.

 I hope your knowledge about this country has increased and you’re ready for more. 
Have a nice day and see you soon! :D